OnlyUncle.com is more than just a directory or the latest deal of the day site. OnlyUncle.com makes it EASY to SAVE MONEY and BUY LOCAL at many local businesses...EVERYDAY. Use our site to quickly find and share deals, when you need them. You shouldn't have to wait for us. With OnlyUncle.com local deals, created by local businesses, find you.
We created a platform that will give all SMEs a web presence, and will allow them to promote their products and services through OnlyUncle.com tools. By helping to promote the latest deals and discounts from businesses across the UK to the expanding Only Uncle community, we look to encourage consumers to spend and save money in their high street shops and businesses, contributing to their local economy.
OnlyUncle.com was designed with simplicity and functionality first. Everything is clearly labelled and follows a step by step procedure. If you do encounter any problems with the platform, a support team has been developed to assist you and answer any questions you might have.
A basic listing allows your business to be gain an extensive presence, and allows you to showcase your business with your very own profile page. A Premium listing is a feature filled facility with extensive tools to promote your business like a Pro for a one off annual fee of £29.99 + VAT. That's less than 1p per day! WOW….Premium
Adding promotions and offers on OnlyUncle.com is 100% free of charge. There is no commission rate on any promotion or offer you put on the platform. All the money you acquire from your promotion and offers is your profit.
A Profile Page is the space we provide online with OnlyUncle.com for you to showcase your business online. It features information that is relevant to your business, giving you greater prominence online and making it easier for internet users to find you on all the major search engines like Google™, Yahoo! Bing and Ask.
Tell people about your OnlyUncle.com profile page. Add a link to your profile page from your website. Announce it in store to your customers. Share on your profile page and promotions on social media platforms.
Every business is different and that's why you're in control. So offer deals and promotions as many or as little as you like.
Your business will have a credible and extensive online presence with your OnlyUncle.com Profile Page. Create an unlimited amount of promotions and offers at any time of day, in a few steps and with ZERO commission to pay, all under your own terms and conditions. Feature yourself on the OnlyUncle.com homepage and social media feeds with every promotion you generate. Benefit from better SEO results by generating highly credible back links to your official website. Receive messages from potential clients and other SMEs that may benefit from your products and services. Share every page you generate on OnlyUncle.com on Facebook and Twitter and help your business utilize social media to benefit your business in 2 clicks of the mouse. Bring back and retain local customers with a highly intuitive and interactive marketing platform. The first thing you need to do to begin promoting your business is to fill out the OnlyUncle.com Profile Page form. Try to fill the fields with as much detail as possible to give the best portrayal of your business to your customers. The second step is planning out your Promotions and Offers. Give some thought when to strategically launch certain promotions and offers. The better your plan this according to your past calendars, the better the results will be. Export your promotions with the built in PDF exporter and email your promotions and offers to your emailing lists. Print these PDFs and have the ability to hand them out in store. Tell everyone you can about your OnlyUncle.com Profile page and to regularly visit to see what promotions and offers you have in store. Share your profile page, promotions and offers, on Facebook and Twitter as frequently as you want. Get people involved in the conversations on these social networks and be sure to reply to their messages, comments. Respond to the message you receive with your OnlyUncle.com messaging system. Whether it's potential clients asking about more information about a promotion or your business, or another business owner who you may be able to work with, getting your name out and explaining your business is made simple.
Social media marketing is the ability to use Social Media Platforms to engage with your customers and provide more credibility to your business by providing them information with a less formal approach. Social media can also provide you statistics of who is interested in your product or services and why. Social media also brings the ability for your happy customers to spread the word of your business on these vast networks and help your business more viral.
OnlyUncle.com keeps social media managing simple. With the ability to share any of your content on your subscribed social media platforms, publishing the same information on different accounts is very simple. Simply click the share button and click the platform you're subscribed on, write a little message to accompany your link and click the share button.
Your rank on OnlyUncle.com is by the popularity of your profile page. The more hits your profile page receives and the more people that "favourite" your business will result in better listing position. If you are actively using OnlyUncle.com, this should be very simple.
Easy. Just click here to get started. After you have completed the sign up form, we will send an email to the address you provided. Clicking on the confirmation link in this email will complete the sign up process.
A single person can make a difference with their marketing by spending a minimum of about 20 minutes a week with the OnlyUncle.com Marketing Solution. OnlyUncle.com is designed to be a simple and effective marketing tool. The more time you can put into OnlyUncle.com to plan your promotion and offer campaigns, the more you will benefit.
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Hopefully soon - we're growing fast. If you'd like to help us launch OnlyUncle.Com in your city, feel free to Contact us.