We know you want to save money whenever and wherever you can, not just on a daily deal that might not even interest you. By offering deals and information 24/7, 365 days a year, we give you savings now...when you want it. And there is no need to wait on other people to also "buy" the deal before you can use it.
Deals and promotions are organized by category on the site, and are based on your current location. Quickly find deals or promotions in a particular category to see what's around the corner. You can also share deals with friends on Facebook, Twitter and via email.
Absolutely! Our mission is to deliver the best deals and information where you shop, eat, play and relax. It's easy to access - via your computer or smart phone. And it's easy to redeem - just show the deal on your phone or print it out.
When visiting a profile page, simply click the purple "Add to your Favourites!" button on the right hand side of the page. The business will be now accessible from your account dashboard under the Favourite's header. Here you have the ability to edit the list remove any favourites you know longer wish to see.
To see updates from your favourites businesses, login to your account and in your account dashboard, select the Favourite's header. Here you will be brought your list of favourite businesses, with a direct link to their profile page and the most recent promotions they have posted.
Once logged in, simply click the review button found on the business profile page. It will take you to a form where you can rate and review any business that has decided to allow reviews and ratings.
When viewing a promotion page, simply click the plus button under the share section. This will bring up a window with different social media platforms. Select the platform you would like to share on, write a short comment to accompany the link you are posting, and then click the share button.
Most businesses offer a deal, discount or coupon for a certain period of time. You must present the deal to the merchant within that time frame in order to be able to redeem it.
Take note of any terms and conditions on the offer or coupon. For example, the coupon might also specify that you need to let the merchant know you'll be using a coupon at a certain time - upon ordering at a restaurant, or at the time of booking when going to a salon, for example.
It might also specify that the coupon is redeemable only on specific days or times of day (Monday through Thursday or only before 5pm, etc.). Refer to your coupon or deal for the redemption policy.
OnlyUncle.com has a strict no spam policy. You may receive emails about system updates or any changes to the website
Any support issues Contact Us and we will be happy to help.